with gratitude


What people are saying.

In February of 2019 I decided to take the plunge and do something for myself for once. I signed up for the Activated Woman Online Retreat with Victoria Alexandria and it changed my life, forever!

After the retreat had ended I scheduled an activation call with Victoria and I was awakened to all of my own potential. During our activation call, Victoria asked me what I wanted to do with my life. The answer was easy; to help women that have suffered from sexual trauma like I have. I wanted to open up my own healing center and Victoria asked me why I hadn’t done it yet. I was shocked at the question. What gives me the right to just do this? Victoria helped me to see that I have training and I have personal experience… so why not? Why not me?? Victoria held up a (figurative) mirror in front of me and my life’s purpose was revealed.

After hanging up the phone I got online and started creating a website. I came up with a business plan and took the steps to open my own healing center! Then I panicked. I had started but had no idea what to do next. What better person to help me through the most terrifying and exciting time in my life but the person that reminded me how easy it was to just do it in the first place??

I worked with Victoria for 3 months and in that time I grew as a person, grew my business and learned how to cope with the stress of all of it at once. I learned that to fully show up for others, I have to fully show up for myself. That was one of the most difficult lessons I learned with Victoria.  

Victoria helped me gain the courage to quit my “mundane” job and focus on my business full time.

In the past 3 months, Victoria has become such an important part of my journey. I will always cherish the time she and I had. I would not have been able to create such a successful business without her! From the deepest part of my heart and soul, I thank you Victoria.


I appreciate being a part of the Women’s Wisdom group program. It was truly life changing for me, even at my age. I am forever changed. The workshops  were very insightful and really made me think. Initially, I hesitated as I  am so apprehensive of the unknown. I was pleasantly surprised how we were able to share without fear or criticism or insecurity.

The positive reinforcement was unbelievable. I came into this class being so unsure, and exited loving who I am.

 I loved the support I received by all of the ladies in the group. Your workshops held me accountable, and made me want to participate. You were able to made me dig deep without fear. You have this ability to make us face our weaknesses without it being a negative, and celebrate our strengths at the same time. I felt the honesty in your desire to build us up as women, and that is something rare.

I came out of this program a different person. I feel I live with more purpose and take steps with more conviction.

Thank you, I appreciate your work.


Working with Victoria was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Getting a life coach was never been something I thought would help me, but, boy was I wrong. She helped me figure out where to put my focus so that I was able to be less overwhelmed by my business. Since I started working with her my business has doubled and I actually have had time to focus on myself which is super important when growing a successful business. I have made taking care of myself a priority and now I can better take care of others. I highly suggest her to anyone who is interested in bettering themselves or bettering their business to work with Victoria. She is absolutely amazing.

-Tasha Duff


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