Everyday is a new opportunity to love yourself more fully without shame, guilt, or fear of judgment or disappointment. Everyday lessons are presented teach you how to put your needs first, so that you may dare to live your biggest dreams.

Women play small so that they remain unseen, coy, unarrogant. Yet, you need to embrace your beauty and your fullness and your too muchness. It is important to celebrate your gifts and your strengths because it gives other women the courage to do the same.

We were not born to play small or to remain invisible. You were not born to play small or remain invisible. We were born to become visionaries and leaders. It is your birthright. You are here to live out your soul’s divine purpose and create love, joy, security, wherever you may go. You are an artist creating a transformative, colorful, imperfectly perfect, evolving masterpiece called Life. You are the only one who needs to find the beauty and the only you can meet your desires.

You are meant to live a life full of pleasure and ecstasy. 

Forget the self-doubt and feelings of not enough. The journey is not easy and it is one that never ends. It is always worth the trial and error of discovery and becoming and of rising. 

The layers of Self Love go deep and touches everything in our lives.

You must know with all your heart and accept with your entire Being:

YES! I am enough as I am. Right here. Right now.

YES! I am worthy of love and happiness.

YES! I am worthy and capable of achieving my dreams and going after all that I want.


Yes, because you are. You are perfect. You are worthy.

The journey starts with you.

And it starts again, every single day.

You are not alone.

I see you and I feel you.

Together, as we recognize the light in each other’s eyes, we will continue to rise up and be seen and rise up and be heard. 

In love and in unity. 


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